12/14/2017 – Represented victim of sexual misconduct by top New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza

Mr. Wigdor represented a woman who alleged she was subjected to sexual misconduct by Ryan Lizza, a prominent political journalist who worked as a reporter for The New Yorker and as a contributor for CNN. The New Yorker terminated Mr. Lizza’s employment shortly after it learned of the allegations.

Earlier in 2017, Mr. Lizza made national headlines after publishing a secret, expletive-laden recording of President Trump’s former Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci. Mr. Lizza’s report in The New Yorker resulted in Mr. Scaramucci’s termination shortly after he assumed his role at the White House.

The accusation followed a number of high-profile sexual harassment scandals facing prominent men in the media industry, including Bill O’Reilly, Mark Halperin, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and others.