Mr. Wigdor represented a gay couple in a discrimination lawsuit alleging that the couple ordered their wedding programs from Vistaprint and instead received a box of discriminatory, hateful, and anti-gay pamphlets.
The Complaint alleged that Plaintiffs Stephen Heasley and Andrew Borg ordered 100 copies of their custom-designed wedding programs from Vistaprint. Instead, the couple was sent dozens of hateful, discriminatory pamphlets focused on fighting the temptations of the flesh and resisting the call of Satan. The case received global media attention and resulted in widespread public outcry amid a circuit split on the issue of LGBTQ+ discrimination by employers.
The case was resolved in February 2018, and the resolution of the case included an apology from Vistaprint and charitable donations to select U.S. and Australian-based organizations that work to create greater understanding and acceptance of the LGBTQ community.